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1986 Basketball Hall of Fame

1985 JMS

1983 Topps M&Ms Olympic Heroes

1982 TMCA Superstar

1981 Topps Thirst Break Wrappers

1981 TMCA

1981 Smithsonian Champions of Sport

1980 Topps (w/ posters)

1899 Enameline College Colors Dolls

1979 United Press International Living Sound

1978 Royal Crown Cola

1976 Nabisco Sugar Daddy Sports World

1976 Crane Potato Chips

1975 Nabisco Sugar Daddy All-Stars

1975 Carvel Discs

1974 Wonder Bread Hanna-Barbera

1974 Fleer The Shots / Cloth Patches

1971 Mattel Instant Replay Discs

1971 Phoenix Candy Harlem Globetrotters